Squirrel Removal in Florida

We can remove squirrels from your attic

There are countless websites and do-it-yourself videos that describe the best ways to get rid of squirrels in your attic. Some of the suggestions include:

Squirrel Removal

  • Bang on the ceiling or make loud noises
  • Set up a bright light
  • Remove the baby squirrels
  • Catch squirrels with a blanket
  • Bother them with ultrasonic devices

You can try these but, they take a lot of work, are dangerous, and rarely work. Especially if they have built a nest in the corner of your attic. You will also have to deal with cleaning and disinfecting where they built their nest and sealing off however they got in to our attic.

You can tell you have squirrels in your attic because they leave small droppings, and they leave trails and tunneling through the attic insulation. The most important part of removing squirrels is to clean the area where they made their nest and fix the entry point where they got into your home.

Squirrel Removal Services

Florida ACM are experts in removing squirrels and preventing them from returning to your attic. Safely removing and relocating them is the best solution. Humane trapping these unwanted guests is the best method of squirrel removal that ACM uses to remove them from your home. We also use deterrents to persuade the animals to move out on their own. If the squirrels leave they will take any offspring with them, grey squirrels are among the most devoted parents and will defend their babies to the death. If we trap the adult squirrels, we will need to remove the babies by hand to either reunite the family or take the babies to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for care and eventual release.

Disinfecting and Entry Point Repair

The next step Florida ACM does after getting rid of the squirrels is to repair the entry point(s) after the squirrels are gone, and then safely disinfect and eliminate odors and scent markings. If you just seal an opening without treating the attractant scent markings, you are encouraging another squirrel family to damage the home to gain entry and take over the nesting area.


Florida ACM will safely remove squirrels from your attic, biologically treat feces areas, treat the scent markings, and repair the entry points to keep the squirrels out.

How do I get rid of Squirrels?

Squirrels are persistent and clever animals. The squirrels will empty your bird feeder in a short amount of time. They are notorious for digging in potted plants, flowerbeds and removing bulbs to chew on. They are constantly chewing because their teeth are constantly growing. The problems that require squirrel removal start when squirrels make a home in your attic. Wood siding and electrical wiring are at risk of damage. Squirrels also carry fleas, their feces and urine can cause an unpleasant odor in your home as described on this page from the Florida Dept of Health. Squirrels are rodents, and like rats, they will chew on wires and water lines. Remember, squirrel teeth continue to grow causing the animal to gnaw and chew to keep the teeth worn down.

Squirrels in Florida generally breed twice a year, once in the summer between May and June and again in the winter between December and February. In Florida, due to mellow winters, the gray squirrels tend to extend the breeding season.

The gray squirrel in Florida does not hibernate like some northern species of squirrel. Gray squirrels are about 18 inches long, including their 9 inch tails. Their coloration is usually gray, salt and pepper, but can have tan hairs in the fur as well, white belly. They weigh about 1-1.5 lbs. as an adult.

Red squirrels have red/brown upper parts in summer but may show some grey on the back in winter, leading to some confusion. Reds are smaller, weighing 8.5 to 12 ounces as adults.They’re lighter, have ear tufts, prominent in the winter coat and brown on the legs and tail.

Flying squirrels are much smaller and are able to enter the smallest of cracks and holes their counterparts are unable to. They are bout 9 inches long, which includes a 3-4 inch tail, weighing about 3 ounces as an adult. The have a dense soft brown fur, white belly. The flying squirrel doesn’t really fly, but glides from surface to surface; tree to attic. In “flying,” the squirrels leap spread-eagled and use their outstretched gliding membranes for gliding and their bushy tails for guidance. Glides of 200 feet or more have been recorded. Flying squirrels are also nocturnal with the majority of their activity taking place at night.

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